The MQP Schola is a small group of men’s and women’s voices and sings for Masses on Sundays at 8AM as well as many special holidays and liturgies throughout the year. The choir sings a diversity of repertoire, including traditional and contemporary worship music, classical music by composers such as Bach, Handel, Bruckner, as well as living composers, spirituals, and even occasionally music from the chant tradition.
The choir is open to anyone high school aged or older, and rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7PM in the choir loft from September to May. Prior experience and music reading ability is a help, but not required- we will teach you what you will need to know. All you need to bring is a love of music and a willing attitude to learn. Contact the music director for more information, or drop by a rehearsal and hear for yourself!
The MQP Choir is a group of men’s and women’s voices that sings for Masses on Sundays at 9 AM, as well as many special holidays and liturgies throughout the year. The choir sings a diversity of repertoire, including traditional and contemporary worship music, classical music by composers such as Bach, Handel, and Mozart, as well as living composers, spirituals, and music from the chant tradition.
The choir is open to anyone high school-aged or older, and rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 PM in the church from September to May. Prior experience and music reading ability are a help, but not required- we will teach you what you will need to know. All you need to bring is a love of music and a willing attitude to learn. We have so much fun! Contact the music director for more information, or drop by a rehearsal and hear for yourself! Membership is easy--you just need to attend the rehearsal before the Sunday you're able to sing!
The MQP Contemporary Ensemble is a small group of vocalists and instrumentalists that emphasizes contemporary worship and leads the music for Masses on Sundays at 11 AM, as well as other holidays throughout the year. An audition is required to participate.
Cantors serve a very important leadership role in the Church by leading the assembly in prayer and song. Cantors do not necessarily need to have formal musical training, but they must be willing to work with the music director and on their own time to prepare for a specific liturgy. Cantors are also regular members of the Choir. The additional training to be an effective cantor is provided both through MQP and through programs in the Archdiocese, as well as the National Pastoral Musicians certification programs.
The Adult Handbell Choir is a unique ensemble that rings our beautiful 3-octave set of precision handbells. This ensemble enhances our liturgies at Christmas and Easter, as well as a few other occasions throughout the year. This group is open to people in high school and beyond, and one must be willing to learn to read music if they do not already possess that skill. Rehearsals begin two months before major holidays and are on Thursday evenings before choir rehearsal.